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(of acquired skills)

  • 1 habilidad

    1 skill (destreza).
    tener habilidad para algo to be good at something
    salió del compromiso con habilidad she cleverly extricated herself from the situation
    2 ability, aptitude, capacity, craft.
    * * *
    1 (aptitud) skill
    2 (astucia) cleverness, smartness
    3 DERECHO capacity, competence
    4 (gracia) talent
    con gran habilidad very skilfully
    tener habilidad manual to be good with one's hands
    tener habilidad para algo to be good at something
    * * *
    noun f.
    ability, skill
    * * *
    1) (=capacidad) ability; (=destreza) skill

    tiene habilidad manualhe's good o clever with his hands

    con habilidad: le sacó el secreto con habilidad — he cleverly o skilfully got the secret out of him

    2) (Jur) competence
    * * *
    a) (para actividad manual, física) skill
    b) (astucia, inteligencia) skill, cleverness

    con habilidad — cleverly, skillfully

    2) (Der) competence
    * * *
    = ability, competence, skill, talent, capacity, savoir faire, aptitude, dexterity, ingeniousness, skilfulness [skillfulness, -USA], prowess, faculty.
    Ex. The ability to search on word stems is particularly valuable where the text to be searched is in free-language format.
    Ex. In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.
    Ex. However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
    Ex. This example goes to show that talent for academic work is only one variety of giftedness.
    Ex. Older people have suffered some losses in sensory and physical capacity, and newer teaching techniques might intimidate them.
    Ex. Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable ' savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.
    Ex. In tracking, schools categorize according to measures of intelligence, achievement, or aptitude and then assign students to ability or interest-grouped classes = En la subdivisión de los alumnos en clases según su nivel académico, las escuelas agrupan a los alumnos de acuerdo con su nivel de inteligencia, habilidad o aptitud y luego los asignan a las clases según su capacidad o por sus intereses.
    Ex. Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.
    Ex. But if, in the digital era, libraries must continue to compete, it will be about services -- the ingeniousness with which individual libraries tailor resource access to particular needs of their user communities.
    Ex. At present, limited data concerning the conversational skilfulness of school-age children have been available.
    Ex. The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.
    Ex. Sophia no sooner saw Blifil than she turned pale, and almost lost the use of all her faculties.
    * con habilidad = adeptly.
    * con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.
    * habilidad artística = artistry.
    * habilidad cognitiva = cognitive skill, cognitive ability, cognitive capacity.
    * habilidad de interpretar imágenes = visual literacy.
    * habilidad de razonar = thinking skills.
    * habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * habilidades = competency.
    * habilidades comunicativas = speaking skills.
    * habilidades lectoras = reading skills.
    * habilidades necesarias para la vida cotidiana = life skills.
    * habilidades orales = speaking skills.
    * habilidad especial = knack, knack.
    * habilidad física = physical ability, physical ability.
    * habilidad lectora = reading ability.
    * habilidad manual = manual skill.
    * habilidad mental = mental ability.
    * habilidad natural = knack, knack, natural ability.
    * habilidad política = statesmanship, political wisdom.
    * habilidad verbal = verbal skill.
    * perfeccionar una habilidad = hone + skill.
    * * *
    a) (para actividad manual, física) skill
    b) (astucia, inteligencia) skill, cleverness

    con habilidad — cleverly, skillfully

    2) (Der) competence
    * * *
    = ability, competence, skill, talent, capacity, savoir faire, aptitude, dexterity, ingeniousness, skilfulness [skillfulness, -USA], prowess, faculty.

    Ex: The ability to search on word stems is particularly valuable where the text to be searched is in free-language format.

    Ex: In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.
    Ex: However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
    Ex: This example goes to show that talent for academic work is only one variety of giftedness.
    Ex: Older people have suffered some losses in sensory and physical capacity, and newer teaching techniques might intimidate them.
    Ex: Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable ' savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.
    Ex: In tracking, schools categorize according to measures of intelligence, achievement, or aptitude and then assign students to ability or interest-grouped classes = En la subdivisión de los alumnos en clases según su nivel académico, las escuelas agrupan a los alumnos de acuerdo con su nivel de inteligencia, habilidad o aptitud y luego los asignan a las clases según su capacidad o por sus intereses.
    Ex: Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.
    Ex: But if, in the digital era, libraries must continue to compete, it will be about services -- the ingeniousness with which individual libraries tailor resource access to particular needs of their user communities.
    Ex: At present, limited data concerning the conversational skilfulness of school-age children have been available.
    Ex: The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.
    Ex: Sophia no sooner saw Blifil than she turned pale, and almost lost the use of all her faculties.
    * con habilidad = adeptly.
    * con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.
    * habilidad artística = artistry.
    * habilidad cognitiva = cognitive skill, cognitive ability, cognitive capacity.
    * habilidad de interpretar imágenes = visual literacy.
    * habilidad de razonar = thinking skills.
    * habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * habilidades = competency.
    * habilidades comunicativas = speaking skills.
    * habilidades lectoras = reading skills.
    * habilidades necesarias para la vida cotidiana = life skills.
    * habilidades orales = speaking skills.
    * habilidad especial = knack, knack.
    * habilidad física = physical ability, physical ability.
    * habilidad lectora = reading ability.
    * habilidad manual = manual skill.
    * habilidad mental = mental ability.
    * habilidad natural = knack, knack, natural ability.
    * habilidad política = statesmanship, political wisdom.
    * habilidad verbal = verbal skill.
    * perfeccionar una habilidad = hone + skill.

    * * *
    1 (para una actividad manual, física) skill
    siempre ha tenido gran habilidad para la carpintería he's always been very good o adept at carpentry, he's always been a very skilled o adept carpenter
    tiene especial habilidad para la costura he has a real gift o flair for sewing
    2 (astucia, inteligencia) skill, cleverness
    tiene gran habilidad para convencer a sus oponentes she is very clever o good o skilled at convincing her opponents, she has a great gift for convincing her opponents
    la película está realizada con gran habilidad it is a very cleverly o skillfully made movie
    B (de un testigo) competence
    fpl ( Lab Rel) interpersonal skills
    * * *


    habilidad sustantivo femenino
    a) (para actividad manual, física) skill;

    b) (astucia, inteligencia) skill, cleverness;

    2 (Der) competence
    habilidad sustantivo femenino
    1 (con una herramienta, etc) skill: nos impresionó su habilidad al volante, we were impressed with his driving ability
    2 (astucia, ingenio) cleverness
    ' habilidad' also found in these entries:
    - apañada
    - apañado
    - arte
    - cabeza
    - capaz
    - conquista
    - darse
    - defenderse
    - ejercitar
    - habilidosa
    - habilidoso
    - incapaz
    - mía
    - mío
    - oxidada
    - oxidado
    - torpeza
    - apabullante
    - competencia
    - inexperto
    - maestría
    - manual
    - maña
    - razón
    - born
    - capability
    - cleverness
    - confidence
    - craft
    - display
    - expertise
    - facility
    - fluent
    - green fingers
    - green thumb
    - inexpertly
    - innate
    - mental
    - moderate
    - proficiency
    - qualify
    - skill
    - touch
    - workmanship
    - accomplishment
    - dexterity
    * * *
    1. [destreza] skill;
    una de sus muchas habilidades es la música music is just one of his many skills;
    tener habilidad para algo to be good at sth
    2. [inteligencia] cleverness;
    salió del compromiso con habilidad she cleverly extricated herself from the situation
    3. Ling performance
    * * *
    1 skill
    2 ( capacidad) ability
    3 ( astucia) cleverness
    * * *
    capacidad: ability, skill
    * * *
    habilidad n skill

    Spanish-English dictionary > habilidad

  • 2 destreza

    1 skill, dexterity.
    2 skillful action.
    * * *
    1 skill, dexterity
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=habilidad) skill
    2) (=agilidad) dexterity
    * * *
    femenino skill
    * * *
    = competence, skill, dexterity, prowess.
    Ex. In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.
    Ex. However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
    Ex. Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.
    Ex. The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.
    * basado en el desarrollo de destrezas prácticas = competency based.
    * con destreza = nimbly, adeptly, with ease.
    * crear con gran destreza = craft.
    * desarrollar una destreza = develop + skill, build + skill.
    * desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.
    * destreza académica = academic skill.
    * destreza cognitiva = cognitive skill.
    * destreza de apoyo = ancillary skill.
    * destreza en la acampada = campcraft.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * destreza lingüística = language skill.
    * destreza manual = manual skill, manual dexterity.
    * destrezas informáticas = computer skills.
    * destrezas relacionadas con el uso de la información = information skills.
    * destrezas relacionadas con la información = information skills.
    * destreza verbal = verbal skill.
    * dominar una destreza = master + skill.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + destrezas = sharpen + Posesivo + skills.
    * producir con gran destreza = craft.
    * requerir más destreza = be more of an art.
    * * *
    femenino skill
    * * *
    = competence, skill, dexterity, prowess.

    Ex: In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.

    Ex: However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
    Ex: Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.
    Ex: The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.
    * basado en el desarrollo de destrezas prácticas = competency based.
    * con destreza = nimbly, adeptly, with ease.
    * crear con gran destreza = craft.
    * desarrollar una destreza = develop + skill, build + skill.
    * desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.
    * destreza académica = academic skill.
    * destreza cognitiva = cognitive skill.
    * destreza de apoyo = ancillary skill.
    * destreza en la acampada = campcraft.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * destreza lingüística = language skill.
    * destreza manual = manual skill, manual dexterity.
    * destrezas informáticas = computer skills.
    * destrezas relacionadas con el uso de la información = information skills.
    * destrezas relacionadas con la información = information skills.
    * destreza verbal = verbal skill.
    * dominar una destreza = master + skill.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + destrezas = sharpen + Posesivo + skills.
    * producir con gran destreza = craft.
    * requerir más destreza = be more of an art.

    * * *
    controló el balón con destreza he controlled the ball skillfully
    demostró mucha destreza con el florete he showed great dexterity o skill in his handling of the foil
    con gran destreza very skillfully
    * * *

    destreza sustantivo femenino

    destreza sustantivo femenino skill: muestra bastante destreza con la cometa, she demonstrates quite a bit of skill with the kite

    ' destreza' also found in these entries:
    - saber
    - arte
    - manual
    - pericia
    - técnica
    - consummate
    - craft
    - derive
    - develop
    - development
    - dexterity
    - hone
    - improve
    - improvement
    - neatness
    - practice
    - practise
    - proficiency
    - prowess
    - skill
    - trick
    - deftly
    * * *
    skill, dexterity;
    tiene destreza para la costura he's very good at sewing;
    hacer algo con destreza to do sth skilfully
    * * *
    f skill
    * * *
    habilidad: dexterity, skill
    * * *
    destreza n skill

    Spanish-English dictionary > destreza

  • 3 adquirido

    1 acquired.
    2 acquired, accessional, acquisitus, developed after birth as a reaction to the environment.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: adquirir.
    * * *
    1→ link=adquirir adquirir
    1 acquired
    * * *
    * * *
    Ex. A good librarian has a complex combination of personality traits and learned skills, and little of the former can be taught in the library science classroom.
    * adquirido con el transcurso del tiempo = time-based.
    * adquirido con la experiencia = experiential.
    * adquirido con la práctica = experiential.
    * enfermedad adquirida = acquired disorder.
    * infección adquirida en el hospital = hospital-acquired infection.
    * SIDA (Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida) = AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
    * * *

    Ex: A good librarian has a complex combination of personality traits and learned skills, and little of the former can be taught in the library science classroom.

    * adquirido con el transcurso del tiempo = time-based.
    * adquirido con la experiencia = experiential.
    * adquirido con la práctica = experiential.
    * enfermedad adquirida = acquired disorder.
    * infección adquirida en el hospital = hospital-acquired infection.
    * SIDA (Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida) = AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

    * * *
    adquirido, -a adj
    tener derecho adquirido sobre algo to have acquired a right to sth
    * * *
    adquirido, -da adj
    1) : acquired
    mal adquirido : ill-gotten

    Spanish-English dictionary > adquirido

  • 4 conocimiento

    1 knowledge.
    hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doing
    poner algo en conocimiento de alguien to bring something to somebody's attention, to inform somebody of something
    tener conocimiento de algo to be aware of something
    ha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy
    2 consciousness (sentido, conciencia).
    perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousness
    estaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor
    3 awareness, consciousness, cognizance.
    * * *
    1 (In 1, also used in plural with the same meaning) (saber) knowledge
    2 (sensatez) good sense
    3 (conciencia) consciousness
    con conocimiento de causa with full knowledge of the facts
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness
    poner algo en conocimiento de alguien to make something known to somebody, inform somebody of something
    recobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness, come round
    tener conocimiento de algo to know about something
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=saber) knowledge

    conocimientos(=nociones) knowledge sing

    mis pocos conocimientos de filosofía/cocina — my limited knowledge of philosophy/cookery

    2) (=información) knowledge

    dar conocimiento de algo, dimos conocimiento del robo a la policía — we informed the police about the robbery

    llegar a conocimiento de algn — to come to sb's attention o notice

    tener conocimiento de algo, aún no tenemos conocimiento de su detención — we still do not know that he has been arrested

    desea ponerlo en conocimiento público — he wants it brought to the public's attention, he wishes it to be made public

    conocimiento de causa, hacer algo con conocimiento de causa — to be fully aware of what one is doing

    3) (=consciencia) consciousness

    recobrar o recuperar el conocimiento — to regain consciousness

    4) (=sentido común) common sense
    5) (Jur) cognizance frm
    6) (Com)
    * * *
    a) ( saber) knowledge
    b) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge
    2) (frml) ( información)

    dar conocimiento de algo a alguiento inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something

    pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...

    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about

    3) ( sentido) consciousness

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness

    aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand

    * * *
    = cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.
    Ex. The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.
    Ex. SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.
    Ex. Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.
    Ex. Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.
    Ex. Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.
    Ex. The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.
    Ex. The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.
    Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex. It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.
    Ex. It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.
    Ex. We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.
    Ex. The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.
    Ex. This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.
    Ex. For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.
    * actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.
    * adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.
    * área de conocimiento = area of study.
    * área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.
    * bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.
    * centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.
    * ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.
    * compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.
    * con conocimiento = authoritatively.
    * con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.
    * con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.
    * con conocimientos en = versed in.
    * con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.
    * con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.
    * conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.
    * conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.
    * conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.
    * conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.
    * conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.
    * conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.
    * conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.
    * conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.
    * conocimiento de lengua = language skill.
    * conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.
    * conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.
    * conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.
    * conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.
    * conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.
    * conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.
    * conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.
    * conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.
    * conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.
    * conocimiento humano = human consciousness.
    * conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.
    * conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.
    * conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.
    * conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.
    * conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.
    * conocimiento pleno = awareness.
    * conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.
    * conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.
    * conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * conocimientos básicos = literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.
    * conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * conocimientos requeridos = job specs.
    * conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.
    * conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.
    * conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.
    * con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.
    * decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.
    * dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.
    * Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.
    * estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.
    * examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.
    * falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.
    * filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.
    * fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.
    * fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.
    * gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).
    * gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.
    * impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.
    * ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.
    * institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
    * jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).
    * metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.
    * navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.
    * navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.
    * obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.
    * profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.
    * propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.
    * recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * red de conocimiento = knowledge network.
    * servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.
    * Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.
    * suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.
    * utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.
    * * *
    a) ( saber) knowledge
    b) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge
    2) (frml) ( información)

    dar conocimiento de algo a alguiento inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something

    pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...

    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about

    3) ( sentido) consciousness

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness

    aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand

    * * *
    = cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.

    Ex: The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.

    Ex: SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.
    Ex: Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.
    Ex: Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.
    Ex: Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.
    Ex: The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.
    Ex: The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.
    Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex: It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.
    Ex: It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.
    Ex: We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.
    Ex: The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.
    Ex: This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.
    Ex: For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.
    * actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.
    * adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.
    * área de conocimiento = area of study.
    * área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.
    * bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.
    * centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.
    * ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.
    * compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.
    * con conocimiento = authoritatively.
    * con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.
    * con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.
    * con conocimientos en = versed in.
    * con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.
    * con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.
    * conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.
    * conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.
    * conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.
    * conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.
    * conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.
    * conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.
    * conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.
    * conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.
    * conocimiento de lengua = language skill.
    * conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.
    * conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.
    * conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.
    * conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.
    * conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.
    * conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.
    * conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.
    * conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.
    * conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.
    * conocimiento humano = human consciousness.
    * conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.
    * conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.
    * conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.
    * conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.
    * conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.
    * conocimiento pleno = awareness.
    * conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.
    * conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.
    * conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * conocimientos básicos = literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.
    * conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * conocimientos requeridos = job specs.
    * conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.
    * conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.
    * conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.
    * con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.
    * decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.
    * dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.
    * Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.
    * estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.
    * examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.
    * falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.
    * filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.
    * fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.
    * fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.
    * gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).
    * gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.
    * impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.
    * ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.
    * institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
    * jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).
    * metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.
    * navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.
    * navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.
    * obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.
    * profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.
    * propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.
    * recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * red de conocimiento = knowledge network.
    * servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.
    * Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.
    * suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.
    * utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.

    * * *
    1 (saber) knowledge
    tiene algunos conocimientos de inglés he has some knowledge of English, he knows some English
    B ( frml)
    (información): dio conocimiento del suceso a las autoridades he informed o ( frml) apprised the authorities of the incident
    puso el hecho en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the incident, she reported the incident to the police
    pongo en su conocimiento que … ( Corresp) I am writing to inform you that …
    al tener conocimiento del suceso upon learning of the incident ( frml)
    a esas horas no se tenía todavía conocimiento de la noticia at that time we/they still had not heard the news
    ciertas personas tienen conocimiento de sus actividades certain people are aware of her activities
    llegar a conocimiento de algn to come to sb's attention o notice ( frml)
    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa ( frml); he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be
    te lo digo con conocimiento de causa I know what I'm talking about
    bill of lading, waybill
    C (sentido) consciousness
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness
    cuando recobró el conocimiento when he regained consciousness, when he came to o round
    estar sin conocimiento to be unconscious
    (entendimiento): aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento he's not old enough to understand
    * * *


    conocimiento sustantivo masculino

    poner algo en conocimiento de algn to inform sb of sth;
    tener conocimiento de algo to be aware of sth

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousness;

    estar sin conocimiento to be unconscious
    conocimiento sustantivo masculino
    1 knowledge
    2 (conciencia) consciousness
    3 conocimientos, knowledge
    ♦ Locuciones: perder/recobrar el conocimiento, to lose/regain consciousness
    con conocimiento de causa, with full knowledge of the facts
    ' conocimiento' also found in these entries:
    - ciencia
    - conciencia
    - desfallecer
    - desvanecerse
    - dominio
    - error
    - orientación
    - parcela
    - revelar
    - sentida
    - sentido
    - experiencia
    - perder
    - pérdida
    - reanimar
    - recobrar
    - saber
    - air
    - black out
    - blackout
    - cognizance
    - come to
    - comprehensive
    - consciousness
    - familiarity
    - grounding
    - improve
    - knock out
    - knowledge
    - notice
    - privy
    - recover
    - self-awareness
    - sketchy
    - superficial
    - thorough
    - unconsciousness
    - black
    - knock
    - know
    - pass
    * * *
    1. [saber] knowledge;
    hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doing;
    puso el robo en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the burglary;
    ponemos en su conocimiento que se ha detectado un error en el programa this is to inform you that an error has been detected in the program;
    no teníamos conocimiento de su dimisión we were not aware that he had resigned;
    al tener conocimiento del accidente, acudió inmediatamente al hospital when she found out about the accident she immediately went to the hospital;
    ha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy
    conocimientos [nociones] knowledge;
    tengo algunos conocimientos de informática I have some knowledge of computers, I know a bit about computers;
    nuestros conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad son muy limitados our knowledge of the disease is very limited, we know very little about the disease
    3. [sentido, conciencia] consciousness;
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness;
    recobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness;
    estaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor
    4. [juicio] (common) sense;
    5. Com conocimiento de embarque bill of lading
    * * *
    1 knowledge;
    con conocimiento de causa hacer algo fully aware of the consequences;
    para su conocimiento for your information;
    conocimientos pl ( nociones) knowledge sg
    2 MED consciousness;
    perder el conocimiento lose consciousness;
    sin conocimiento unconscious;
    recobrar el conocimiento regain consciousness
    * * *
    1) : knowledge
    2) sentido: consciousness
    * * *
    1. (en general) knowledge
    2. (sentido) consciousness

    Spanish-English dictionary > conocimiento

  • 5 documentalista

    f. & m.
    1 archivist.
    2 documentalist, specialist in documentation.
    * * *
    1 (cineasta) documentary maker
    2 (investigador) researcher
    * * *
    1) (TV) documentary maker
    2) [en biblioteca] documentalist
    * * *
    = documentalist, information intermediary, information manager, information officer, information scientist, intelligence officer, information specialist.
    Ex. The development of new information techniques -- informatics, computerisation, teledocumentation -- has given rise to a new type of documentalist trained in the special skills necessary to facilitate user access to international data bases using modern computer tools.
    Ex. These hosts are often searched by information intermediaries who have acquired specialist searching skills.
    Ex. The information manager supervises all services to ensure competitiveness, optimal staff deployment and attention to users.
    Ex. The nature of the users, their background, their work, the frequency with which they use the system, and their mode of access to the system (that is, through an intermediary information officer, or directly) are all factors to be considered.
    Ex. Scientists, engineers and other subject specialists may be employed together with information scientists as full-time abstractors.
    Ex. Variously described as information consultant, resource person, intelligence officer, communication scientist, etc, they are still rare birds.
    Ex. The results are seen in information specialists lacking in sensitivity in the implementation and exploitation of computer-mediated information systems.
    * AIBDA (Asociación Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Agri = AIBDA (Inter-American Association of Agricultural Librarians and Information Specialists).
    * Asociación Australiana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas (ALIA) = Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).
    * Asociación de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Suráfrica (LIASA) = Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA).
    * Asociación Internacional de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Agricultura = International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (IAALD).
    * comunidad de bibliotecarios y documentalistas, la = library and information community, the.
    * documentalista de los medios de comunicación = news librarian, news librarian.
    * profesión de bibliotecario y de documentalista, la = library and information services profession, the.
    * profesión de documentalista, la = information profession, the.
    * profesión del bibliotecario y documentalista, la = library and information profession, the.
    * profesiones de bibliotecario y de documentalista, las = information professions, the.
    * * *
    = documentalist, information intermediary, information manager, information officer, information scientist, intelligence officer, information specialist.

    Ex: The development of new information techniques -- informatics, computerisation, teledocumentation -- has given rise to a new type of documentalist trained in the special skills necessary to facilitate user access to international data bases using modern computer tools.

    Ex: These hosts are often searched by information intermediaries who have acquired specialist searching skills.
    Ex: The information manager supervises all services to ensure competitiveness, optimal staff deployment and attention to users.
    Ex: The nature of the users, their background, their work, the frequency with which they use the system, and their mode of access to the system (that is, through an intermediary information officer, or directly) are all factors to be considered.
    Ex: Scientists, engineers and other subject specialists may be employed together with information scientists as full-time abstractors.
    Ex: Variously described as information consultant, resource person, intelligence officer, communication scientist, etc, they are still rare birds.
    Ex: The results are seen in information specialists lacking in sensitivity in the implementation and exploitation of computer-mediated information systems.
    * AIBDA (Asociación Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Agri = AIBDA (Inter-American Association of Agricultural Librarians and Information Specialists).
    * Asociación Australiana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas (ALIA) = Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).
    * Asociación de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Suráfrica (LIASA) = Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA).
    * Asociación Internacional de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Agricultura = International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (IAALD).
    * comunidad de bibliotecarios y documentalistas, la = library and information community, the.
    * documentalista de los medios de comunicación = news librarian, news librarian.
    * profesión de bibliotecario y de documentalista, la = library and information services profession, the.
    * profesión de documentalista, la = information profession, the.
    * profesión del bibliotecario y documentalista, la = library and information profession, the.
    * profesiones de bibliotecario y de documentalista, las = information professions, the.

    * * *
    documentary maker
    * * *

    documentalista sustantivo masculino
    1 (persona que realiza un documental) documentary maker
    2 (recopilador de datos) documentalist, information officer, researcher: los documentalistas han hecho un buen trabajo para la ambientación de la película, the researchers have done a good job with the setting of the movie
    * * *
    1. [en archivo] archivist
    2. Cine & TV documentary filmmaker
    * * *
    m/f documentary maker

    Spanish-English dictionary > documentalista

  • 6 intermediario de la información

    (n.) = information intermediary, infomediary
    Ex. These hosts are often searched by information intermediaries who have acquired specialist searching skills.
    Ex. The article carries the title ' Infomediaries in the Internet Era: Subscription Agents as Intermediaries and Aggregators in the Electronic Publishing World'.
    * * *
    (n.) = information intermediary, infomediary

    Ex: These hosts are often searched by information intermediaries who have acquired specialist searching skills.

    Ex: The article carries the title ' Infomediaries in the Internet Era: Subscription Agents as Intermediaries and Aggregators in the Electronic Publishing World'.

    Spanish-English dictionary > intermediario de la información

  • 7 programa de estudios

    * * *
    (n.) = course brochure, educational program(me), school program(me), study program(me), syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.], education programme
    Ex. Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes, in addition to publicity materials, were acquired.
    Ex. Those of you here can best answer the question: What are the goals of your educational programs?.
    Ex. This book examines Dewey's enhanced educational views on topics such as the qualifications of a librarian, the value of personal qualities and a college education, and technical qualifications and the school programme.
    Ex. The reasons for this are varied but can depend largely on the importance placed on the provision of these skills by both the library and the course planners in the early stages of the student study programme.
    Ex. Examine a few syllabuses for basic courses in geography.
    Ex. Out of 18 different education programs conducted by small companies, two-thirds were conducted by manufacturing companies, the remainder were in health services, construction, or transportation companies.
    * * *
    (n.) = course brochure, educational program(me), school program(me), study program(me), syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.], education programme

    Ex: Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes, in addition to publicity materials, were acquired.

    Ex: Those of you here can best answer the question: What are the goals of your educational programs?.
    Ex: This book examines Dewey's enhanced educational views on topics such as the qualifications of a librarian, the value of personal qualities and a college education, and technical qualifications and the school programme.
    Ex: The reasons for this are varied but can depend largely on the importance placed on the provision of these skills by both the library and the course planners in the early stages of the student study programme.
    Ex: Examine a few syllabuses for basic courses in geography.
    Ex: Out of 18 different education programs conducted by small companies, two-thirds were conducted by manufacturing companies, the remainder were in health services, construction, or transportation companies.

    * * *
    syllabus, curriculum

    Spanish-English dictionary > programa de estudios

  • 8 inexperto

    inexperienced, inexpert, callow, poor.
    * * *
    1 inexperienced
    * * *
    (f. - inexperta)
    inexperienced, unskilled
    * * *
    ADJ (=novato) inexperienced; (=torpe) unskilled, inexpert
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo ( falto de experiencia) inexperienced; ( falto de habilidad) inexpert, unskilled
    * * *
    = inexperienced, naive [naïve], callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    Ex. The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.
    Ex. The difference between naive readers (whether adult or child) and sophisticated readers (whether adult or child) is that the naive reader has not acquired a language in which to express his criticism.
    Ex. Marco Polo set out from Venice, with his father and uncle, a very callow 17-year-old.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo ( falto de experiencia) inexperienced; ( falto de habilidad) inexpert, unskilled
    * * *
    = inexperienced, naive [naïve], callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].

    Ex: The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.

    Ex: The difference between naive readers (whether adult or child) and sophisticated readers (whether adult or child) is that the naive reader has not acquired a language in which to express his criticism.
    Ex: Marco Polo set out from Venice, with his father and uncle, a very callow 17-year-old.

    * * *
    1 (falto de experiencia) inexperienced
    2 (falto de habilidad) inexpert, unskilled
    * * *

    ◊ -ta adjetivo ( falto de experiencia) inexperienced;

    ( falto de habilidad) inexpert, unskilled
    inexperto,-a adjetivo inexperienced: es muy inexperto con el ordenador, he's not very experienced with computers
    ' inexperto' also found in these entries:
    - inexpert
    - unprofessional
    - untrained
    * * *
    inexperto, -a
    1. [falto de experiencia] inexperienced
    2. [falto de habilidad] unskilful, inexpert
    1. [falto de experiencia] inexperienced person
    2. [falto de habilidad]
    es un inexperto he lacks the necessary skills
    * * *
    adj inexperienced
    * * *
    inexperto, -ta adj
    : inexperienced, unskilled
    * * *
    inexperto adj inexperienced

    Spanish-English dictionary > inexperto

  • 9 general2

    2 = all-embracing, broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], comprehensive, general, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], sweeping, ubiquitous, umbrella, widespread, pervasive, blanket, all-encompassing, broadly based, wide-ranging [wide ranging], overriding, broad-based [broad based], wide-scale, overarching, received, epidemic, pandemic, wide-angle(d), generalised [generalized, -USA], embracing, encompassing.
    Ex. Some databases are very all-embracing in their coverage and attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of entire disciplines.
    Ex. This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.
    Ex. One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is whether the data base is comprehensive or not.
    Ex. Nevertheless, the fact that these general lists cannot serve for every application has triggered a search for more consistent approaches.
    Ex. Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
    Ex. Such a statement of objectives may appear narrowly defined in its practices and yet, at the same time, rather sweeping in its assumptions.
    Ex. Worldwide, however, the printed book is still the most ubiquitous source of record = Sin embargo, el libro impreso es aún en todo el mundo la fuente de información escrita más común.
    Ex. This article describes how an ' umbrella licence' was obtained covering a group of libraries within the region.
    Ex. Comment published so far is favourable, but the code still awaits widespread adoption.
    Ex. The unease is pervasive, not an occasional outcropping of discontent.
    Ex. Likert in no way attempts to make a blanket prescription for employee-centered supervisory styles.
    Ex. In publishing itself there is little use made of the all-encompassing schemes such as Dewey or the Library of Congress.
    Ex. Library schools are offering broadly based courses with increasing emphasis on technology and information systems, but practising librarians still need the traditional skills.
    Ex. The contents of this handbook are comprehensive and wide-ranging.
    Ex. Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.
    Ex. However, the organisation is well on its way to becoming a broad-based provider of databases and end-user oriented information services in all areas of engineering.
    Ex. Without the stimuli of cooperative agencies, many programmes such as wide-scale interlibrary loan would not have developed so rapidly.
    Ex. There appears to be an unhealthy tendency among information technology professionals to elevate any single, highly successful practical experience instantly into an overarching paradigm for managerial success.
    Ex. It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the epidemic growth of its literature' = El artículo se titula "El síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) y el crecimiento exponencial de su literatura".
    Ex. Test score data were broken down to show that the decline is pandemic throughout the culture & not limited to sex, race, or class variables.
    Ex. Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.
    Ex. Although it is coy about admitting the fact it is only mentioned twice in the whole of the thirty pages of publicity material it is in effect a generalized and modernized Thesaurofacet: a facetted classification with a thesaurus structure forming an integral part.
    Ex. What is needed is an embracing approach to guarantee freedom for Palestine and legitimacy for Israel.
    Ex. By drawing Russia into an encompassing coalition with Europe and other powers, the risk of conflict will be diminished.
    * abogado general = advocate-general.
    * Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT) = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
    * anestesia general = general anaesthesia.
    * asamblea general = general assembly.
    * biblioteca general = general library.
    * como norma general = as a general rule of thumb, as a rough guide.
    * consenso general = general consensus.
    * creencia general = conventional wisdom.
    * criterio general = rule of thumb.
    * dar una idea general = paint + a broad picture.
    * de aplicación general = general-purpose, of general application.
    * de forma general = bulk.
    * de interés general = of general interest.
    * de lo general a lo particular = from the general to the particular.
    * de lo particular a lo general = from the particular to the general.
    * de propósito general = general-purpose.
    * describir en líneas generales = outline.
    * desde un punto de vista general = in a broad sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * designación general de la clase de documento = general material designation.
    * de tipo general = broad scoped.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de utilidad general = all-purpose.
    * director general = senior director.
    * elección general = general election.
    * encabezamiento demasiado general = much-too-broad heading.
    * encabezamiento informativo general = general explanatory heading.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en líneas generales = broadly speaking, generally, on the whole, in basic outline, roughly speaking, as a rough guide.
    * ensayo general = dress rehearsal.
    * en su sentido más general = in its/their broadest sense.
    * en términos generales = in broad terms, generally speaking.
    * en un sentido general = in a broad sense.
    * en un sentido más general = in a broader sense.
    * esquema general = outline.
    * gobernador general = Governor General.
    * hablando en términos generales = loosely speaking.
    * idea general = rough idea.
    * índice general = general index.
    * informe sobre el estado general de las carreteras = road report.
    * instrucción general = blanket instruction.
    * interés general = public interest.
    * la comunidad en general = the community at large.
    * la sociedad en general = society at large.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * norma general = rule of thumb.
    * Norma General Internacional para la Descripción de Archivvos (ISAD-G) = General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)).
    * opinión general = consensus of opinion, conventional wisdom.
    * opinión general, la = received wisdom, the.
    * parálisis general = general paresis.
    * población en general, la = general population, the.
    * por lo general = on the whole, all in all, in general, generally, generally speaking, in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * público en general = broader audience, broad audience, broad public, broader public.
    * público en general, el = general public, the.
    * Secretaría General = Secretariat.
    * ser de uso general = be generally available.
    * sistema de clasificación general = general scheme.
    * Sistema General de Ordenación (SGO) = Broad System of Ordering (BSO).
    * una guía general = a rough guide.
    * una idea general = a rough guide.

    Spanish-English dictionary > general2

  • 10 general

    tener nociones generales de griego to have a general knowledge of Greek
    esa es la opinión general de los que no leen los periódicos that's what people who don't read the papers usually think
    por lo general, en general in general, generally
    por lo general, suelo ir en tren I generally go by train, in general I go by train
    general (military).
    general de división major general
    * * *
    1 general
    2 (común) common, usual, widespread
    1 (oficial) general
    en general in general, generally
    por lo general in general, generally
    * * *
    noun mf. adj.
    - por lo general
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=común, no detallado) general

    una visión general de los problemas del paísan overall o general view of the problems of the country


    en general —

    a) [con verbo] generally, in general

    en general, las críticas de la obra han sido favorables — generally (speaking) o in general, the play has received favourable criticism

    b) [detrás de s] in general

    literatura, música y arte en general — literature, music and the arts in general


    iban a visitarla, por lo general, dos o tres veces al año — they generally went to see her two or three times a year

    los resultados son, por lo general, bastante buenos — in general o on the whole, the results are pretty good

    SMF (Mil) general
    SM (Rel) general
    4. SF
    1) (tb: carretera general)
    Esp main road
    2) (tb: clasificación general) (Ciclismo) general classification
    * * *
    a) (no específico, global) general

    en general — on the whole, in general

    por lo general: por lo general llega a las nueve she usually o generally arrives at nine; por lo general prefiero ir en auto — in general I prefer to drive

    masculino y femenino (Mil) general
    * * *
    a) (no específico, global) general

    en general — on the whole, in general

    por lo general: por lo general llega a las nueve she usually o generally arrives at nine; por lo general prefiero ir en auto — in general I prefer to drive

    masculino y femenino (Mil) general
    * * *
    1 = general.
    Nota: Nombre.

    Ex: It should not be assumed that this has got to be a semiformal talk, followed by a few halfhearted questions: a kind of general's visit to the barracks.

    * como norma general = as a general rule.

    2 = all-embracing, broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], comprehensive, general, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], sweeping, ubiquitous, umbrella, widespread, pervasive, blanket, all-encompassing, broadly based, wide-ranging [wide ranging], overriding, broad-based [broad based], wide-scale, overarching, received, epidemic, pandemic, wide-angle(d), generalised [generalized, -USA], embracing, encompassing.

    Ex: Some databases are very all-embracing in their coverage and attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of entire disciplines.

    Ex: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.
    Ex: One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is whether the data base is comprehensive or not.
    Ex: Nevertheless, the fact that these general lists cannot serve for every application has triggered a search for more consistent approaches.
    Ex: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
    Ex: Such a statement of objectives may appear narrowly defined in its practices and yet, at the same time, rather sweeping in its assumptions.
    Ex: Worldwide, however, the printed book is still the most ubiquitous source of record = Sin embargo, el libro impreso es aún en todo el mundo la fuente de información escrita más común.
    Ex: This article describes how an ' umbrella licence' was obtained covering a group of libraries within the region.
    Ex: Comment published so far is favourable, but the code still awaits widespread adoption.
    Ex: The unease is pervasive, not an occasional outcropping of discontent.
    Ex: Likert in no way attempts to make a blanket prescription for employee-centered supervisory styles.
    Ex: In publishing itself there is little use made of the all-encompassing schemes such as Dewey or the Library of Congress.
    Ex: Library schools are offering broadly based courses with increasing emphasis on technology and information systems, but practising librarians still need the traditional skills.
    Ex: The contents of this handbook are comprehensive and wide-ranging.
    Ex: Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.
    Ex: However, the organisation is well on its way to becoming a broad-based provider of databases and end-user oriented information services in all areas of engineering.
    Ex: Without the stimuli of cooperative agencies, many programmes such as wide-scale interlibrary loan would not have developed so rapidly.
    Ex: There appears to be an unhealthy tendency among information technology professionals to elevate any single, highly successful practical experience instantly into an overarching paradigm for managerial success.
    Ex: It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the epidemic growth of its literature' = El artículo se titula "El síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) y el crecimiento exponencial de su literatura".
    Ex: Test score data were broken down to show that the decline is pandemic throughout the culture & not limited to sex, race, or class variables.
    Ex: Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.
    Ex: Although it is coy about admitting the fact it is only mentioned twice in the whole of the thirty pages of publicity material it is in effect a generalized and modernized Thesaurofacet: a facetted classification with a thesaurus structure forming an integral part.
    Ex: What is needed is an embracing approach to guarantee freedom for Palestine and legitimacy for Israel.
    Ex: By drawing Russia into an encompassing coalition with Europe and other powers, the risk of conflict will be diminished.
    * abogado general = advocate-general.
    * Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT) = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
    * anestesia general = general anaesthesia.
    * asamblea general = general assembly.
    * biblioteca general = general library.
    * como norma general = as a general rule of thumb, as a rough guide.
    * consenso general = general consensus.
    * creencia general = conventional wisdom.
    * criterio general = rule of thumb.
    * dar una idea general = paint + a broad picture.
    * de aplicación general = general-purpose, of general application.
    * de forma general = bulk.
    * de interés general = of general interest.
    * de lo general a lo particular = from the general to the particular.
    * de lo particular a lo general = from the particular to the general.
    * de propósito general = general-purpose.
    * describir en líneas generales = outline.
    * desde un punto de vista general = in a broad sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * designación general de la clase de documento = general material designation.
    * de tipo general = broad scoped.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de utilidad general = all-purpose.
    * director general = senior director.
    * elección general = general election.
    * encabezamiento demasiado general = much-too-broad heading.
    * encabezamiento informativo general = general explanatory heading.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en líneas generales = broadly speaking, generally, on the whole, in basic outline, roughly speaking, as a rough guide.
    * ensayo general = dress rehearsal.
    * en su sentido más general = in its/their broadest sense.
    * en términos generales = in broad terms, generally speaking.
    * en un sentido general = in a broad sense.
    * en un sentido más general = in a broader sense.
    * esquema general = outline.
    * gobernador general = Governor General.
    * hablando en términos generales = loosely speaking.
    * idea general = rough idea.
    * índice general = general index.
    * informe sobre el estado general de las carreteras = road report.
    * instrucción general = blanket instruction.
    * interés general = public interest.
    * la comunidad en general = the community at large.
    * la sociedad en general = society at large.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * norma general = rule of thumb.
    * Norma General Internacional para la Descripción de Archivvos (ISAD-G) = General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)).
    * opinión general = consensus of opinion, conventional wisdom.
    * opinión general, la = received wisdom, the.
    * parálisis general = general paresis.
    * población en general, la = general population, the.
    * por lo general = on the whole, all in all, in general, generally, generally speaking, in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * público en general = broader audience, broad audience, broad public, broader public.
    * público en general, el = general public, the.
    * Secretaría General = Secretariat.
    * ser de uso general = be generally available.
    * sistema de clasificación general = general scheme.
    * Sistema General de Ordenación (SGO) = Broad System of Ordering (BSO).
    * una guía general = a rough guide.
    * una idea general = a rough guide.

    * * *
    1 (no específico, global) general
    el estado general del enfermo the patient's general condition
    temas de interés general subjects of general interest
    el pronóstico general del tiempo para mañana the general weather forecast for tomorrow
    el país está pasando una crisis a nivel general the country as a whole is going through a crisis
    me habló del proyecto en líneas generales she gave me a broad outline of the project
    un panorama general de la situación an overall view o an overview of the situation
    tiene nociones generales de informática he has a general idea about information technology
    2 ( en locs):
    en general on the whole, in general
    ¿qué tal el viaje? — en general bien how was the trip? — good, on the whole
    en general prefiero el vino blanco on the whole o in general, I prefer white wine
    el público en general the general public
    ¿qué te molesta de él? — todo en general y nada en particular what don't you like about him? — everything and nothing
    por lo general: por lo general los domingos nos levantamos tarde we usually o generally get up late on Sundays
    por lo general llega a las nueve she usually o generally arrives at nine, she arrives at nine as a rule
    por lo general prefiero una novela a un ensayo in general I prefer novels to essays
    generales fpl ( Esp) ( Pol) general elections
    1 ( Mil) general
    2 ( Relig) general
    (en el ejército) ≈ major general, brigadier general ( in US), brigadier ( in UK); (en las fuerzas aéreas) ≈ brigadier general ( in US), ≈ air commodore ( in UK)
    (en el ejército) ≈ major general; (en las fuerzas aéreas) ≈ major general ( in US), ≈ air vice marshal ( in UK)
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    Gral. sustantivo masculino (
    General) Gen.

    general adjetivo
    a) (no específico, global) general;

    hablando en líneas generales broadly speaking;
    un panorama general de la situación an overall view of the situation
    b) ( en locs)

    el público en general the general public;
    por lo general as a (general) rule
    ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino (Mil) general
    I adjetivo general
    director general, general manager, director-general
    huelga general, general strike
    secretario general, Secretary-General
    II m Mil Rel general
    ♦ Locuciones: por lo o en general, in general, generally
    ' general' also found in these entries:
    - abogado
    - anestesia
    - asesinar
    - bachillerato
    - bien
    - camino
    - capitán
    - capitana
    - cerrarse
    - CGPJ
    - ciudad
    - comida
    - cuartel
    - decretar
    - desbandada
    - DGT
    - economía
    - EGB
    - el
    - elección
    - enferma
    - enfermo
    - ensayo
    - entre
    - error
    - esperar
    - fiscal
    - golpista
    - gral.
    - huelga
    - ladrón
    - ladrona
    - lata
    - lista
    - LOGSE
    - mayoría
    - nombrar
    - panorama
    - parecerse
    - piso
    - policlínica
    - política
    - protesta
    - pública
    - público
    - regalar
    - regla
    - sazón
    - secretaría
    - all-out
    - as
    - Attorney General
    - backdrop
    - blanket
    - booze
    - bosom
    - breast
    - buck
    - crime
    - current
    - disheveled
    - dishevelled
    - dress
    - dress rehearsal
    - dry run
    - education
    - election
    - GATT
    - GCE
    - GCSE
    - general
    - general anaesthetic
    - general assembly
    - general election
    - general knowledge
    - general practice
    - general practitioner
    - general public
    - generally
    - GP
    - GPO
    - headquarters
    - HQ
    - large
    - main
    - managing
    - master
    - mobilize
    - most
    - opposite
    - outline
    - overall
    - overview
    - Postmaster General
    - practitioner
    - prevailing
    - public
    - quash
    * * *
    1. [común] general;
    sólo tengo unas nociones muy generales de griego I only have a very general knowledge of Greek;
    esa es la opinión general de los que no leen los periódicos that's what people who don't read the papers usually think;
    mi valoración general es negativa my overall opinion of it is negative
    2. [en frases]
    por lo general, en general in general, generally;
    los candidatos, en general, estaban muy cualificados the candidates were generally very well qualified, in general, the candidates were very well qualified;
    en general el clima es seco on the whole, the climate is dry, the climate is generally dry;
    ¿qué tal te va la vida? – en general, no me puedo quejar how's life treating you? – I can't complain, on the whole;
    por lo general, suelo ir en tren I generally go by train, in general I go by train
    Mil general general de brigada Br brigadier, US brigadier general;
    general de división major general
    Dep [clasificación] overall standings;
    con su victoria se ha puesto segunda en la general her victory has moved her up to second place in the overall standings
    * * *
    I adj general;
    en general in general;
    por lo general usually, generally
    II m general
    * * *
    general adj
    1) : general
    por lo general : in general, generally
    general nmf
    1) : general
    general de división : major general
    * * *
    general1 adj general
    general2 n (militar) general

    Spanish-English dictionary > general

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